
Karakalpakstan protests 2022

Nietbay Urazbayev, Karakalpak Diaspora Leader, Dies in Kazakhstan

Nietbay Urazbayev, Karakalpak Diaspora Leader, Dies in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
“One of the best of our people has left -- and this further complicates relations between the Karakalpaks and the Uzbek authorities,” a fellow Karakalpak activist told The Diplomat.

Karakalpak Activist Deprived of Kazakh Citizenship

Karakalpak Activist Deprived of Kazakh Citizenship

By Catherine Putz
Uzbek authorities have told Kazakh authorities that Urazbayev never officially renounced his Uzbek citizenship and therefore Kazakh authorities have revoked his Kazakh citizenship. 
A Fourth Karakalpak Released From Detention in Kazakhstan

A Fourth Karakalpak Released From Detention in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
While the releases in Kazakhstan have been welcomed by the Karakalpak community, it’s clear that a sense of unease remains. 

2 Karakalpak Activists Denied Asylum in Kazakhstan

2 Karakalpak Activists Denied Asylum in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
The two men – and three other detained Karakalpak activists – face the potential of being deported to Uzbekistan should their appeals fail.

After Spectacles in Karakalpak Civilian Trials, Uzbek Authorities Sentence 3 Law Enforcement Officers With Little Fanfare

After Spectacles in Karakalpak Civilian Trials, Uzbek Authorities Sentence 3 Law Enforcement Officers With Little Fanfare

By Catherine Putz
When civilians were put on trial in relation to the Karakalpakstan unrest, their names were known, their faces splattered across the media. We only have initials for the three law enforcement officers tried.

Uzbekistan Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Karakalpakstan Appeals

Uzbekistan Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Karakalpakstan Appeals

By Catherine Putz
Tazhimuratov’s 16-year sentence was upheld while terms of others were either reduced or shifted to house arrest.

Karakalpakstan’s Sovereignty in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan

Karakalpakstan’s Sovereignty in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
Karakalpakstan has a constitutional right to secede from Uzbekistan via referendum, but calling for such a vote results in immense pressure and often prison terms.
Karakalpakstan Trial Ends With 16-Year Sentence for Dauletmurat Tazhimuratov

Karakalpakstan Trial Ends With 16-Year Sentence for Dauletmurat Tazhimuratov

By Catherine Putz
Amid the crackdown on protests last summer in Nukus, 21 people were killed -- most of them civilians.

Rights Group Highlights Police Abuse in Karakalpakstan Crackdown

Rights Group Highlights Police Abuse in Karakalpakstan Crackdown

By Catherine Putz
Human Rights Watch says Uzbek security forces “unjustifiably” used lethal force to disperse generally peaceful demonstrators this summer.

Uzbekistan’s Ethnic Minorities: Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind

Uzbekistan’s Ethnic Minorities: Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind

By Steve Swerdlow
Lessons from the cases of the Meskhetian Turks, Tajiks, and Karakalpaks.

In Karakalpakstan, Mirziyoyev Oversees Selection of New Regional Leader

In Karakalpakstan, Mirziyoyev Oversees Selection of New Regional Leader

By Catherine Putz
The Uzbek president scolded regional leaders for failing to address the problems of the people and laid out further investments to address economic problems.
Uzbekistan’s Religious Figures React to Karakalpakstan Unrest

Uzbekistan’s Religious Figures React to Karakalpakstan Unrest

By Niginakhon bintu Saida
Given the increasingly prominent role of Islam in Uzbekistan's society, Muslim leaders felt it necessary to chime in on the recent protests.

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