
China-Germany trade

The New Dynamism in Germany’s Relations With South Korea

The New Dynamism in Germany’s Relations With South Korea

By Tim Hildebrandt and Julian Klose
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has compelled Germany to alter its foreign policy and role in the world. This has also had repercussions for partners outside the EU.

Germany Has a New Player in Left-Wing Politics. Where Does It Stand on China?

Germany Has a New Player in Left-Wing Politics. Where Does It Stand on China?

By Tim Hildebrandt
The emergence of a potential new party has injected new uncertainties into Germany's ongoing China policy debate.
Germany’s Far-Right Pivot to China

Germany’s Far-Right Pivot to China

By Tim Hildebrandt
As the AfD surges in the polls, its China-friendly foreign policy has come under closer scrutiny.

Germany Prods China on Ukraine War As Leaders Pledge To Work Together on Climate

Germany Prods China on Ukraine War As Leaders Pledge To Work Together on Climate

By Geir Moulson
Premier Li Qiang chose Germany as his first destination abroad since taking office, a sign that China is seeking to repair strained ties with Europe.

German Public Opinion in the China Policy Debate

German Public Opinion in the China Policy Debate

By Tim Hildebrandt
Growing negative sentiment toward China will increase the pressure on Berlin to moderate its approach toward Beijing.

Amid Much Controversy, German Chancellor Visits China

Amid Much Controversy, German Chancellor Visits China

By Hanns W. Maull
Olaf Scholz’s visit to China represents a break with the Coalition Agreement and a return to a commercial foreign policy approach.

Germany’s Indo-Pacific Vision: A New Reckoning With China or More Strategic Drift?

Germany’s Indo-Pacific Vision: A New Reckoning With China or More Strategic Drift?

By Coby Goldberg
Like Monday’s summit, Berlin’s regional strategy tinkers around the edges of trade policy without risking the cost of a full-fledged strategic reckoning with China.
Are the Gloves Coming Off in China-Germany Economic Relations?

Are the Gloves Coming Off in China-Germany Economic Relations?

By Björn Alexander Düben
As Germany shifts its China approach, Huawei is in the crosshairs.

German Ambassador Raises Concerns Over Difficulties Faced by German Businesses in China

German Ambassador Raises Concerns Over Difficulties Faced by German Businesses in China

By Charlotte Gao
China’s Foreign Ministry criticized the ambassador for being “unprofessional and irresponsible.”

Merkel's Visit to China: A Balancing Act

Merkel's Visit to China: A Balancing Act

By Angela Stanzel
The German chancellor's ninth visit to China may have been the most difficult yet.

In China, Germany's Merkel Talks Trade, Syria, and South China Sea

In China, Germany's Merkel Talks Trade, Syria, and South China Sea

By Shannon Tiezzi
Germany wants China to play a larger role in resolving international issues such as the Syria crisis.
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