
US-China decoupling

The De-risking Push Misunderstands China’s Manufacturing Strengths 

The De-risking Push Misunderstands China’s Manufacturing Strengths 

By Xiaofeng Wang
China dominates the manufacturing of intermediate goods – so even if a finished product is made elsewhere, it almost certainly includes “Made in China” components. 

China-US Trade and Decoupling: ‘We Are in Uncharted Waters’

China-US Trade and Decoupling: ‘We Are in Uncharted Waters’

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Allen Morrison.
Beyond Rhetoric: The Tangible Impact of China-US Decoupling

Beyond Rhetoric: The Tangible Impact of China-US Decoupling

By Gabriele Manca
From trade data to investment, economic statistics are starting to reflect the emphasis on curtailing dependencies.

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China

By Denny Roy
Beijing seems unable or unwilling to grasp the very different lineages of “containment” and de-risking.

The Political Hazards of Economic Decoupling From China

The Political Hazards of Economic Decoupling From China

By Max Abbott
Southeast Asian nations are promising candidates for firms seeking to relocate manufacturing operations from China, but investors need to be prepared for the risks.

The Future of State-Sponsored AI Research in China

The Future of State-Sponsored AI Research in China

By Shaoshan Liu
The fundamental mindset of Chinese tech companies is still driven by short-term profit, and they have always looked to the state to sponsor technological leaps.

A Reality Check on China-US Decoupling

A Reality Check on China-US Decoupling

By Tamás Mészáros
Decoupling rhetoric masks the fact that the United States and China play very different economic roles in East Asia and possess very different sources of economic power. 
Gauging the Impact of the China-US Trade War 

Gauging the Impact of the China-US Trade War 

By Ka Zeng
Did the tit-for-tat tariffs move China and the U.S. toward economic decoupling? 

Rebalancing vs Decoupling: China-US Economic Ties and the Global Economy

Rebalancing vs Decoupling: China-US Economic Ties and the Global Economy

By Ronald U. Mendoza
The hyper-competitive international production chains that have long characterized Asia's economies now face a significant political recalibration.

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

By Marina Yue Zhang
Against the U.S. decoupling push, Xi envisions a hub-and-spokes model of a distributed supply chain network – with China as the “hub.” 

Can the West Shake Its Dependence on China’s Rare Earths?

Can the West Shake Its Dependence on China’s Rare Earths?

By Barbara Kelemen and Alexander Stonor
Reliance on China’s rare earth elements sector limits the ability of the United States to punish Beijing economically should it pursue a military action against Taiwan.
How Does the Russia-Ukraine War Affect Asia’s Political Economy? 

How Does the Russia-Ukraine War Affect Asia’s Political Economy? 

By Kavoossi Masoud and Dingding Chen
Multinational companies must find new solutions in an era of accelerating deglobalization.

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